iRosa Magazine 《羅莎建材頻道》
刊物期數 Issue
Rosa Professional
Rosa Home Decor
SELLEYS 犀利 建築膠粘劑(液固釘、彈性填縫劑、硅酮密封膠等)和塗料配套
Selleys Liquid Nails 犀利牌 液體釘
Liquid Nails Selleys Liquid Nails is a premium grade MULTIPURPOSE CONSTRUCTION ADHESIVE that delivers a consistently STRONG and LASTING BOND on most building substrates including: Wood, Plasterboard, MDF, Particleboard, Masonry, Concrete, Tiles & Ceramics, Metals, Plastic (pre-test to determine compatibility), Rubber and Glass. RESPONSE FLEXIBILITY - Shrinkage and thermal movement in buildings can cause bonds to weaken over time. SELLEYS LIQUID NAILS formulation is flexible enough to maintain a strong bond. Able to fill gaps and cracks. Can be painted over when it is dry. Easy usage during winter season and on wet timber. 犀利牌液體釘是粘合力極強的多功能建築結構 強力膠。乾後不會收縮下陷,可填縫,可油漆。在冬季也方便易用,甚至可粘接濕木。 犀利牌液體釘具彈性,可隨粘接物體移動, 牢固持久的粘結力,不會因建築物的收縮移動而影響粘接效果! 犀利牌液體釘適用於: 木材 、石膏板、中密度纖維板、碎木板、石材、水泥、階磚、瓷磚、金屬、塑料、橡膠、玻璃… 等各種建材。 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Liquid Nails FAST Selleys Liquid Nails Fast Grab is a strong multipurpose building adhesive with the added benefit of high initial grab on porous surfaces. It is ideal for tasks where early holding power is needed and minimise the requirement to support joins with nails, screws or clamps while adhesive cures (see pack for details). It can be used for adhering timbers and other porous construction materials 犀利牌 快粘液體釘 是粘合力極強的多功能建築粘接膠, 對滲透性物質如: 木材、磚石、水泥牆…等材料具強勁的快粘效果! 乾後牢固持久,可上油漆,可作粘接劑, 填縫膠使用。耐熱度高達攝氏150°C以上! 環保無味,不含揮發性溶劑氣味!可用水、濕布抹除未乾的剩餘粘膠。
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